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Frankfort Village Fire StationFrankfort Village Fire Station (topic) = Representative from TBA?
Unity Fire StationUnity Fire Station (topic) = Representative from TBA?
WCFCA Meeting
Belfast Fire StationMeetings start at 6:30pm at the EMA Office in Belfast For any questions please reach out to Jeff Archer at 322-1251 or Bill Gillespie at 542-3794
Meeting (with supper)
Winterport Fire StationWinterport Fire Station Supper @1800hrs followed by the business meeting @ 1900hrs! (Topic) = Tour of the new Winterport Fire Station!
WCFFA Meeting
Searsport FireDinner
Waldo County Chief Assoc.
Waldo County EMA OfficeWCFFA Meeting
Troy FireGuest Speaker Fire Marshalls Office
Waldo County Fire Chief
Waldo County EMA OfficeWCFFA
Brooks FireGuest Speaker BLS